Our Goal
To become a perpetual self-supporting fund to provide financial support for Covington Catholic and to do good works within the general Northern Kentucky-Greater Cincinnati community in Kenny and Brian's name.
As long as the Fund is viable, we plan on offering a substantial one-year scholarship to a CCH graduating senior every year. In addition, we will grant a four-year scholarship covering tuition for an incoming CCH freshman. The primary criterion for these scholarships is financial need. We also aid in the capital campaign at Covington Catholic.
We believe both Brian and Kenny would have wanted us to help the general community also, especially since we received so much support from the general community. Therefore, we also will be dispersing funds to aid people outside the Covington Catholic community who experience tragedies or where a special need exists, like those on the Community Page.
We believe that by making the Fund a perpetual supporter of the school, its students and the general public, Kenny and Brian will be smiling down on us “with a Spirit that will not die.” |

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